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How to execute command on a custom group of servers? or how do i create a list of servers where i would like to execute my command in parallel?

The Mexec List feature lets you create your custom grouping of servers and then run your commands using Parallel Shell on it.

  1. Create your custom group using the mExec lists feature.

2. Select the server into the custom group 'my-kernel-update-list'

Note:  For a regular user to access the mExec list, make sure to grant privilege on the parallel shell and view the mExec list.

Click on the Access control >> user action >> select user, give privilege on the parallel shell, and view the mExec list.

You can add a server in more than one mExec list group. ie, server 1 can be in mExec lists group 1 and group 2. 

3. Log into the SSH backend interface and navigate to the multi-server menu and you will see the group 'my-kernel-update-list'. Hit enter

4. Enter the command uptime in the command line to get it executed across the server in the group 'my  kernel update list'

The mExec lists created would be viewable to other users only if the creator of the list decides to set it as public. If it is not set as public then the users will only be able to view normal server groups.

You can search the logs using the specific mExec ID obtained from SSH logs in parallel shell.