Where is the password of the user is stored?
Storing Authentication Hashes
Overview: This article describes how UI authentication hashes are stored in the database user table, while SSH authentication hashes are kept in the /etc/shadow file.
The UI authentication hash is stored in the database user table and the SSH authentication hash is stored in the /etc/shadow file.
For Example, we have user tom, the ssh authentication hash is stored in the /etc/shadow file as follows:
root@localhost :~# cat /etc/shadow | grep tom
The UI authentication hash is stored in the database user table.
To find the UI authentication table log to the database, select the user table, and run the below command:
MariaDB [ezlogin_guhi]> select username,password from lqzu_users where username='tom'\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
username: tom
password: $2y$10$f3cPVMQo5CxqiGDXjS3uCe0KIECEwiUZHxkrRHqHi1yqRq7CiVE6K
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
ERROR: No query specified
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