The IP field must contain a valid public IP or how to install Ezeelogin on a machine in lan
How to solve the error "The IP field must contain a valid public IP" while issuing a license?
Overview: This article describes how to resolve the error "The IP field must contain a valid public IP" error while issuing a license by ensuring internet connectivity via NAT, finding the public IP, using a static IP, or obtaining an owned license for LANs without internet.
Step 1: Ensure Internet Connectivity:
- Make sure the machine in the LAN has internet connectivity via NAT (Network Address Translation) and can connect to on port 443.
root@gateway:~# telnet 443
Step 2: Determine Public IP:
- SSH into the jump server and run the following command to find the public IP.
A static public IP is recommended. If the server is behind a DHCP and the public IP changes frequently, you will need to update the licensed IP from the customer portal every time it changes.
Step 3: Purchase License for Public IP:
- The license server will check the public IP used by the NAT. Therefore, purchase the license for the public IP that is NATed.
Step 4: Consider Owned License for LAN Without Internet:
- Opt for an owned license if you plan to use Ezeelogin in a LAN with no internet connectivity.
By following these steps, you can install Ezeelogin on a machine in a LAN and avoid the error regarding the IP field.
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