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Install Ezeelogin on older version of operating system

How to install  SSH Jump server   in Centos 6.x ?

 We do not recommend using Centos 6 as it is no longer supported by the Linux community with security patches, vulnerabilities, or bug fixes. Therefore, continuing to use CentOS 6 could pose a significant security risk.

  Enter the following command on your terminal to install ezeelogin dependency package on centos 6

root@jumpserver:~#  yum -y install epel-release httpd openssl php php-mysql php-process php-common php-cli php-mcrypt bzip2 mod_ssl mysql mysql-server php-ldap git ; yum install php-mcrypt

root@jumpserver:~#  service mysqld start  


  Make sure that web server and SQL server startup on boot

root@jumpserver:~#  chkconfig   mysqld on

root@jumpserver:~#  chkconfig   httpd   on


  Set the root password with following command

root@jumpserver:~#  mysql_secure_installation


How to install SSH Jump server  in Ubuntu 14.x ?

  Enter the following command on your terminal to install ezeelogin dependency package on Ubuntu 14

root@jumpserver:~#  apt-get update; apt-get install php5 apache2 mysql-server libapache2-mod-php5 php5-curl php5-mysql php5-mcrypt php5-ldap nodejs git


  Enable php-mcrypt extension by following command

root@jumpserver:~# php5enmod mcrypt

How to install SSH Jump server in Ubuntu 16?

Enter the following command on your terminal to install the ssh jump server dependency package on Ubuntu 16.

root@jumpserver:~# apt update ; apt-get install php mysql-server apache2 php-mcrypt libapache2-mod-php7.0 php-mysql php-curl php7.0-xml php-ldap nodejs git

Refer article to increase script execution time for PHP

Increase script execution time in Ubuntu and CentOS

Enter the following command on your terminal to install the Ezeelogin ssh jump server dependency package on Ubuntu 18.

root@jumpserver:~# apt update ; apt-get install php mysql-server apache2 libapache2-mod-php7.2 php-mysql php-curl php7.2-xml php7.2-ldap nodejs git

If you want to install php-mcrypt ( For older ezeelogin versions [ Below 7.20.0 version ] 

root@jumpserver:~#  apt install php-dev libmcrypt-dev php-pear ; apt-get -y install gcc make autoconf libc-dev pkg-config

root@jumpserver:~#  apt-get -y install php7.2-dev ; apt-get -y install libmcrypt-dev

root@jumpserver:~#  sudo pecl install mcrypt-1.0.3

root@jumpserver:~#  echo "" >> /etc/php/7.2/cli/php.ini

Refer detailed article to compile and install php-mcrypt.

Set the root password with the following command

root@jumpserver:~#  mysql_secure_installation

Refer article to increase script execution time for PHP

Increase script execution time in Ubuntu and CentOS

How to install SSH jump server in Ubuntu 18?

Enter the following command on your terminal to install the Ezeelogin ssh jump server dependency package on Ubuntu 18.

root@jumpserver:~# apt update ; apt-get install php mysql-server apache2 libapache2-mod-php7.2 php-mysql php-curl php7.2-xml php7.2-ldap nodejs git

If you want to install php-mcrypt ( For older ezeelogin versions [ Below 7.20.0 version ] 

root@jumpserver:~#  apt install php-dev libmcrypt-dev php-pear ; apt-get -y install gcc make autoconf libc-dev pkg-config

root@jumpserver:~#  apt-get -y install php7.2-dev ; apt-get -y install libmcrypt-dev

root@jumpserver:~#  sudo pecl install mcrypt-1.0.3

root@jumpserver:~#  echo "" >> /etc/php/7.2/cli/php.ini

Refer detailed article to compile and install php-mcrypt.

Set the root password with the following command

root@jumpserver:~#  mysql_secure_installation

Refer article to increase script execution time for PHP

Increase script execution time in Ubuntu and CentOS

How to install SSH Jump server in Centos 7?

Enter the following command on your terminal to install the Ezeelogin dependency package on Centos 7

root@jumpserver:~#  yum -y install epel-release httpd openssl php php-mysql php-process php-common php-cli php-mcrypt mariadb-server bzip2 mariadb mod_ssl php-ldap nodejs git; yum -y install php-mcrypt

root@jumpserver:~#   service mariadb start 

Make sure that the web server and SQL server startup on boot

root@jumpserver:~#  systemctl enable mariadb 

root@jumpserver:~#  systemctl enable httpd

Set the root password with the following command

root@jumpserver:~#    mysql_secure_installation

Refer article to increase script execution time for PHP

Increase script execution time in Ubuntu and CentOS


How to install SSH Jump server in Centos 8?  

Supported from Ezeelogin 7.22.0 version

Enter the following command on your terminal to install the Ezeelogin dependency package on Centos 8

root@jumpserver:~#  yum -y install  httpd openssl php php-mysqlnd php-process php-common php-cli php-json mariadb-server bzip2 mariadb mod_ssl php-ldap nodejs npm git

root@jumpserver:~#  service mariadb start 

Make sure that web server and SQL server startup on boot

root@jumpserver:~#  systemctl enable mariadb 

root@jumpserver:~#  systemctl enable httpd

Set the root password with the following command

root@jumpserver:~#  mysql_secure_installation

Refer article to increase script execution time for PHP

Increase script execution time in Ubuntu and CentOS