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Install slave / secondary node for high availability in jump server

How do I Install slave/secondary node for high availability in Ezeelogin jump server?

  • Make sure that the slave ip is licensed.
  • Make sure that mysql server is running on the slave. Also make sure that mysql listening on public ip on master and slave node.
  • Make sure the firewall on master does not block mysql and ssh connections initiated from the slave.
  • On the slave node, download the same binary package that was used on primary. This is to ensure that the master and the slave node uses the same version of Ezeelogin for the cluster to work.

The slave node acts as the failover in case the primary goes down. Its always recommended to setup the slave node so that server are accessible at all times just in case the primary nodes is accessible due to hardware or network failures.

1. Login into your customer portal area

2. Go to License tab,

    On Old customer portal .    : select your primary license, click on theBuy Cluster link on the right

    On New customer portal .  : Edit the license and add Secondary IP address

3. Issue the slave/secondary license for the IP of the slave server.

For standalone license : Rename the license file to ezlic.dat place it under the /root/ directory

4. Refer the following article to install Ezeelogin dependency packages and follow it till the 3rd step ( ioncube loader). How to install Ezeelogin dependency packages? 

5. Download the same version of Ezeelogin in the slave / secondary server.


6. Execute the following command on primary server to grant access to ezeelogin database from secondary/slave node

php /usr/local/ezlogin/grant_host.php  <ip_address of secondary node/slave>

           If you are planning to connect to remote MySQL/RDS servers, you should grant to access to database on the remote database server. This is not required if your MySQL server is running on localhost.

           (Replace "root" with database admin user & 'PASSWORD' with your database admin user password)


     mysql> flush privileges;

7. Execute the following command on slave/secondary node 

sh ezlogin_7.x.x.bin -- -secondary <ip_address of secondary/slave node> -othernode <ip_address of master node>

If you are getting the following error after installation  "ERROR granting access for DB user: Access denied for user 'root'@'%' to database 'ezlogin_jzgzs' " , run the following command to grant privileges manually .   This error usually pop-ups while using remote MySQL database/ RDS connections. 

Login to MySQL as root or admin user & replace with  your ezeelogin database credentials .Ezeelogin database credentials such as dbname, dbusername & dbpassword will displayed  on installation screen[reviewsettings]) or you can  refer the article to retrieve Ezeelogin database credentials

root@gateway:~# mysql -u root -p

mysql> grant all on  ezeelogin_dbname.* to 'ezlogin_dbusername'@'%' identified by 'ezeelogin_dbusername_password' ;

mysql>  flush privileges;

For Example: mysql>  grant all on ezlogin_jzgzs.* to 'ezlogin_xynqwd'@'%' identified by '!T3}3w$czV$6VrWxG)kn{5&3t5'; ( Database credentials such as dbname, dbusername & dbpassword will displayed  on installation screen[reviewsettings])

8. Append the below lines in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on both master and slave nodes. 

# append the below lines on the master node
Match Address slave_node_ip
PermitRootLogin yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes

# append the below lines on the slave node
Match Address master_node_ip
PermitRootLogin yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes


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