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How to install node using npm and n module?

Installing Node using npm and n Module

Overview: This article provides step-by-step instructions for installing npm and the n module on Linux distribution, essential for managing Node versions efficiently.
Step 1. Install npm.
  • On centos 7

:~# yum install epel-release

:~# yum install npm

  • On Ubuntu 16/18 and Debian 10

:~# apt install npm  

  • On Ubuntu 20/22

:~# apt-get update

:~# apt install npm

Step 2. Install n, Node’s version manager:

If you are not using SSL, you need to set the repo to HTTP by running : 

root@localhost:~ npm config set registry

:~#  npm install -g n     

Step 3. Install node by running :

Add insecure to install without SSL: 

:~# n --insecure latest

For example:  n --insecure 19

  •   To install the latest version: 

:~# n latest

  • To install the corresponding version :

    :~# n version.number

Ex: :~# n  19

To switch between multiple node versions you need to run the "n" command select the version using the up/down arrow keys and press Enter : 

root@jumpserver:~#  n

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