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Is it a hosted solution?

Is Ezeelogin a hosted solution?

Overview: Ezeelogin offers a self-hosted SSH Jump server solution, providing control over installation on your server for enhanced security and customization.

Ezeelogin: Not a Hosted Solution

Ezeelogin differs from hosted solutions by requiring installation on your designated server, which serves as the SSH gateway. This approach grants you full control over your environment and ensures that all security measures align with your organization's standards and requirements.

Benefits of Self-Hosting Ezeelogin

  1. Enhanced Security: By hosting Ezeelogin on your own server, you maintain control over access, data security, and configurations, minimizing risks associated with external dependencies.

  2. Customization: Tailor Ezeelogin settings to fit your specific security protocols and compliance needs, ensuring seamless integration with existing IT infrastructure.

  3. Scalability: Scale Ezeelogin according to your organization's growth and operational demands without constraints typically associated with hosted solutions.

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Install and set up Ezeelogin.

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