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Change the Ezeelogin database name, username, and password

Is it possible to change the Ezeelogin database name, database username, and database password?

No, it is not possible to manually change the Ezeelogin database name, database username, and database password.

Run the update script to automatically change the Ezeelogin database name, database username, and database password. Refer below article to update Ezeelogin.

If you are running the latest version of Ezeelogin, just upgrade the current installation with the same version.

Upgrade Ezeelogin Jump server to the latest version

How to find the database name, database username, and database password changed successfully after upgrading Ezeelogin?

1. Take the backup of ez.conf of the current installation.

root@gateway ~]# cp /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf /root/ez.conf.backup

2. View the current installations database name, username, and encrypted password.

root@gateway ~]# cat /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf | grep -i "db_name\|db_user\|db_pass"

The password shown in the above command will be in an encrypted format. Refer below article to retrieve database credentials.

How to retrieve database credentials?

3. Run the below command to take the full backup of the Ezeelogin installation.

If /var/log/ezlogin has more than 1GB then the backup script will take more time to complete. In this case, run the below command to take the back of the installation without logs.

 ~]#  /usr/local/sbin/backup_ezlogin.php -nologs

Make sure to back up /var/log/ezlogin when you back up ezeelogin with the nologs option.

 ~]# : cp -pr /var/log/ezlogin /var/log/ezlogin_backup

root@gateway ~]# /usr/local/sbin/backup_ezlogin.php

4. Download the latest version of Ezeelogin according to the PHP version you are running. Login to the billing portal area and download the latest package.

5. Run the below command to upgrade Ezeelogin using a single command. Replace the Ezeelogin package name, database root username, and password.

root@gateway ~]# sh ezlogin_7.xx.xx._xx.bin  --   -dbsuser <enter (root)db username>  -dbspass <enter_(root)db_password>  -skipgeolite    -auto -force   -ACCEPT_SETTINGS    -I_ACCEPT_EULA   -skipbackup -update

6. Run the below command to confirm database name, username, and encrypted password changed successfully.

root@gateway ~]# cat /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf | grep -i "db_name\|db_user\|db_pass"


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