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How to upgrade OpenSSH in Centos ?

Upgrade OpenSSH in Centos. Overview: This article details how to upgrade OpenSSH in CentOS, including dependencies installation, source download, compilation, installation, verification, and post-upgrade checks for Ezeelogin functionality. 1.�... Read More

How to upgrade PHP to 7.4 on Centos 7

How to upgrade PHP to 7.4 in centos 7?      Enter the following commands on the terminal to upgrade PHP:      1 . To install the latest  PHP 7, you need to turn on EPEL and Remi repository.     root@gateway:~# yum install epel... Read More

How to upgrade php to 7.2 on Centos

PHP upgrade instructions for centOS and amazon linux Overview: This article details how to upgrade PHP on CentOS 7 and Amazon Linux. For CentOS 7, enable EPEL and Remi repos, install yum-utils, and install PHP 7.x. For CentOS 6, migrate to CentOS... Read More

How to prevent putty window from closing during ssh

Prevent PuTTY window from closing during an SSH session and display the error message? Overview: This article explains how to prevent PuTTY windows from closing during an SSH session if there is any error on the server side. By default, PuTTY... Read More

How to install and switch different versions of PHP in Ubuntu?

How to install multiple PHP versions in Ubuntu? Installing and switching different versions of PHP is important because different applications and websites require different versions of PHP to function properly. For example, an older website may... Read More

How to convert the ppk files to openssh format

How to convert putty generated .ppk files to .pem/openssh format   Windows - convert a .ppk file to a .pem file   Start PuTTYgen. Under Actions, choose Load, and then navigate to your .ppk file.      2. Choose the... Read More

KEX and Host Key Algorithms in SSH

What are KEX and Host Key Algorithms? KEX is the short form of Key Exchange:  The algorithm is chosen to compute the secret encryption key. Examples would be  diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' and modern 'ecdh-sha2-nistp512'.... Read More

How to install Google authenticator on Centos/Ubuntu?

Install Google Authenticator on Centos/Ubuntu Overview: This article describes how to install Google Authenticator on CentOS/Ubuntu and addresses issues related to the deprecation of the Google Image Charts API affecting QR code generation. 1. ... Read More

How to reset mysql or Mariadb root password ?

  MySQL/MariaDB Root Password Reset Procedure Overview: This Article provides a comprehensive guide for resetting the MySQL or MariaDB root password. It details how to stop the MySQL/MariaDB service, start it with the --skip-grant-tables option,... Read More

Where do i view the changelog

How to Access the Changelog  How to view the changelog? To check the Jump server or Bastion host release notes/change log, refer to the below link from our online manual.       Change log You can also check our user manual for feature... Read More

Connect jumpserver using PuTTY

  Connecting to a Remote Server Managed by Ezeelogin Using PuTTY. Overview: This article describes how to connect to a remote server managed by Ezeelogin using PuTTY. Step 1: Open PuTTY and enter the Ezeelogin... Read More

Redirect IP to Domain Name in Linux

How to redirect IP to FQDN with HTTPS in Apache Webserver using mod_rewrite (Ubuntu 18,20,22)? The objective of the article is to rewrite the URL from to using .htaccess 1. Enable the rewrite... Read More

How to upgrade PHP to 8.1 in Debian?

Upgrade PHP to 8.1 in the Debian 9, 10, and 11 servers 1. Run the below commands in the Debian server rootdebian:~$ apt install -y lsb-release apt-transport-https ca-certificates wget rootdebian:~$ wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg https:/... Read More

Why is Ezeelogin the most secure ssh gateway?

What makes Ezeelogin the most secure SSH gateway available? Synopsis: This article explains how ezeelogin makes the most secure SSH gateway. 1. SSH User password and security codes are hashed using CRYPT(SHA512, SHA256, BLOWFISH .DES algortithms).... Read More

What is ezeelogin?

What is Ezeelogin Overview: Ezeelogin SSH Jump Server software facilitates secure SSH access management with features like 2-factor authentication, session recording, and compliance with major security standards. Ezeelogin is a secure SSH Jump... Read More

Can the software be compromised?

We had made use of military grade technologies so compromising it is almost impossible. We had made it hard to decipher the critical data even if your Ezeelogin server is rooted. Read More

Increase script execution time in Ubuntu and CentOS

How to increase script execution time in Ubuntu and CentOS? This directive max_execution_time specifies the maximum time in seconds that a PHP script is allowed to run before it’s terminated.    Open the php.ini file and change the... Read More

Is it a hosted solution?

Is Ezeelogin a hosted solution? Overview: Ezeelogin offers a self-hosted SSH Jump server solution, providing control over installation on your server for enhanced security and customization. Ezeelogin: Not a Hosted Solution Ezeelogin differs from... Read More

Why is ezeelogin the most secure gateway?

Why is Ezeelogin the most secure ssh gateway available?   SSH User password and security codes are hashed using CRYPT(SHA512, SHA256, BLOWFISH .DES algortithms). So even in the unlikely scenario of the gateway server being rooted, access... Read More

Read ssh key with openssl command in CLI

How to read SSH key with OpenSSL CLI command? Run the below command to find if the key is readable from the command line of the Linux server. root@linux:~# openssl pkey -in {path_to_any_private_key} -pubout -text Refer below example of the... Read More

Record and Replay Linux Commands

How to record and replay SSH sessions using the script and scriptreplay commands? Install script and scriptreplay using the below command in CentOS/Ubuntu. CentOS/RHEL/Amazon Linux root@centos ~]# yum install util-linux -y Ubuntu/Debian root... Read More

How to install node using npm and n module?

Installing Node using npm and n Module Overview: This article provides step-by-step instructions for installing npm and the n module on Linux distribution, essential for managing Node versions efficiently. Step 1. Install npm.   On centos 7 :... Read More

List of supported PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes in Ezeelogin

List of supported PubkeyAcceptedKeyType, and  KEX (Key Exchange Algorithm), HostKeyAlgorithms  in ezsh shell ( Ezeelogin backend shell) Refer to the below article to find and modify the KEX and HostKeyAlgorithms in use by the sshd server. KEX... Read More

How to re-add a reinstalled server?

Steps to Re-Add a Reinstalled Server Overview: This article outlines the steps to re-add a reinstalled server. First, select the reinstalled remote server and reset the SSH fingerprint. After resetting, update the new password in the Server ->... Read More

How does " Web Activity" in Ezeelogin works?

How to find "Web Activity" logs or how to export Web Activity logs in Ezeelogin? The " Web Activity" log lists what sections and functions each user accessed in the web panel with the date & time. You can search the logs based on user, section,... Read More

Configurations to be enabled in sshd_config

Recommended SSHD settings in /etc/ssh/sshd_config   OpenSSH server config file.   Run the below command to display all the enabled settings and accepted key types in SSHD. root@gateway ~]# sshd -T | grep -i 'AllowTcpForwarding\... Read More

How to get detailed logs from Ezeelogin error logs?

Getting detailed error messages from Ezeelogin error logs Overview: This article helps Ezeelogin gateway users on how to obtain detailed error messages from Ezeelogin error logs by adding 'log_level' trace to the Ezeelogin configuration... Read More

Error while logging into Ezeelogin GUI

Error login expired. Please login.   This error usually occurs when the server is losing the cookies/session when proxied via Cloudflare/WAF. Make sure that you have appended cookie_match_ip as 0 to the end of  /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf�... Read More

List Apache Modules in Linux

How to list which apache modules are enabled in CentOS/Ubuntu server? Run below command to find the information for apachectl. root@centos ~]# apachectl help root@ubuntu ~]# apachectl -help CentOS/RHEL Run below command to view the list of... Read More

MariaDB Connector Vulnerability CVE-2020-13249

How to fix MariaDB Connector Vulnerability CVE-2020-13249? Overview: This article provides information about a vulnerability identified in the MariaDB connector and the recommended mitigation actions. This vulnerability could potentially allow an... Read More

Webproxy, Webpanel, Webportal, Controlpanel

How to configure Web proxy, Web portals, Control Panel, Web panel through Ezeelogin? What is Web proxy and How to configure Web proxy through Ezeelogin Web proxy Web proxy is a feature that lets you access external online portals via reverse proxy on... Read More

How many previous passwords can a Ezeelogin gateway user use?

How many previous passwords can a gateway user use? Preventing the use of previous  password is an important security compliance requirement.  This can be set under Settings->General-Authentication-> Password/Security Code Retries. If the... Read More

Extract Ezeelogin backup file

How to extract the Ezeelogin backup file and use it without restoring? 1. Run the below command to list all backup files in /var. root@gateway ~]# ls /var/ezlogin_* /var/ Read More

Compile and install mcrypt

How to compile and install mcrypt in SUSE 15? 1.Install the development tools. user@suse ~]# zypper in -y php7-devel gcc gcc-c++ re2c make autoconf automake libtool libmcrypt-devel 2. Download libmcrypt and mcrypt user@suse ~]# wget https:/... Read More

Access Control Explained

Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Explained   RBAC or Role Based Access Control in SSH is a method to restrict the access of SSH users or server administrators to the remote servers based on their role. Most of the enterprises are having thousands of... Read More

Audit logs and configurations

Audit log policies and configurations 1. SSH Logs The SSH logs provide comprehensive log information about the gateway user's actions or activities during an SSH session. The recorded SSH sessions are saved in text format, allowing for later... Read More

Getting Started with Ezeelogin Jump Server

1.Ezeelogin GUI/ Web interface Login  Go to the Ezeelogin web panel installed URL (configured during install) using your web browser. Use the admin username and password that you provided during Ezeelogin installation to login to... Read More

Hide Server password from users

How to hide server passwords from Ezeelogin users? To prevent the password from being shown, disable the view password feature in Access Control. ( Access-Control->User-Action ) . After disabling the view password feature in Access Control , the... Read More

Web Activity Log

How to find detailed Web Activity Log in Ezeelogin?What is web activity log and how to find it? The " Web Activity" log  records  the functions/operations performed by a user under various  sections or tabs  in the web gui. The recordings can... Read More

Functions in webactivity logs

The different functions of the webactivity log for the user tab are shown below: 1. Users     Users>Index When you click on the user tab, it will show the below log.     Users>add When a new user is added to Ezeelogin.      Users... Read More

Change Terminal Emulation to vt102 from Database

How to change terminal emulation to vt102 from the database. 1. To change terminal emulation to vt102 for all users, run the below command. root@localhost ~]# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ez_queryrunner.php "replace into prefix_preferences (user_id,... Read More

Different types of Users in Ezeelogin

How many types of users are there in Ezeelogin?   1. Ezeelogin Gateway User Ezeelogin gateway users are users that are added through Ezeelogin GUI. Refer below screenshot to add Ezeelogin gateway user or refer usermanual.   2. Remote SSH User... Read More

How to find the reasons for account being suspended?

Reasons for Account Suspension1. Account suspended due to invalid 2fa or security code: If a user is suspended due to invalid 2fa or security code, you can view the reason for suspension under Users>Edit User as shown below.2. Account locked due... Read More

Is it possible to manage Ezeelogin users via API?

Is it possible to manage Ezeelogin users via API? It is not possible to create or remove Ezeelogin users with the API feature since there are a lot of risk factors associated with it. We recommend LDAP or Active Directory as the best way for user... Read More

Is it possible to login to Ezeelogin with a disabled AD user?

Will an Ezeelogin user be suspended if the corresponding user is suspended in Active Directory / LDAP? When you suspend the AD user, the corresponding user in Ezeelogin will not be suspended however, the user will not be able to login into the... Read More

Ezeelogin Timeouts Explained

How to configure timeout values in Ezeelogin? 1. Ezeelogin GUI Timeout Ezeelogin GUI timeout happens when there is no user activity for a particular time in Ezeelogin GUI. Users need to login again with the credentials to the Ezeelogin GUI when a GUI... Read More

Integrate Ezeelogin with WAF

How to integrate Ezeelogin with WAF (Web Application Firewall) like Cloudflare? Append below lines in /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf root@gateway ~]# vim /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf host_url  http://your_domain_namecookie_match_ip 0 If you... Read More

What is the best practice for creating users in Ezeelogin?

What is the best practice for "creating users" in Ezeelogin? The best way to create users in Ezeelogin is to integrate it with OpenLDAP or Windows Active Directory. Refer below articles to integrate it with Ezeelogin. Ubuntu 1. Check out the... Read More

Compile and install libssh and ssh2

How to compile and install libssh (1.10.0) and ssh2 (1.3.1) in Ubuntu 18, 20, 22, and Centos 7, 8? 1. Download required packages: root@gateway ~]# wget root@gateway ~]# wget Read More

Cluster Explained

Cluster (Master-Slave) explained in Ezeelogin The master-slave setup is for High Availability (HA). Data between the master and slave is replicated in real-time. If the primary node goes down, the Ezeelogin admin user can switch the secondary node... Read More

Content Security Policy in Ezeelogin GUI

Content Security Policy (CSP) in the Ezeelogin web framework explained Content-Security-Policy headers have been updated in the Ezeelogin version 7.29.0. Refer below article to update Ezeelogin to the latest version. Upgrade the Ezeelogin... Read More

Change the Ezeelogin database name, username, and password

Is it possible to change the Ezeelogin database name, database username, and database password? No, it is not possible to manually change the Ezeelogin database name, database username, and database password. Run the update script to automatically... Read More

Privileged access management in Linux

How to login to a remote server as a non-privileged user and escalate privileges in SSH? These two methods will allow the Ezeelogin gateway user to login to a remote server as a non-privileged user and then switch to the root user without prompting... Read More

Switching authentication methods in SSHD

How to enable or disable authentication methods in the SSH Daemon on a Linux server? Password authentication and key-based authentication are two common methods used to access Linux systems securely. Key-based authentication is generally considered... Read More

Enable root privilege for the group in the sudoers file

How to enable root privileges for the wheel/admin group from the sudoers file? The 'wheel group' is a traditional term for a group of users who are granted superuser or administrative privileges. Members of the wheel group have the ability... Read More

Reset password in ubuntu

How to reset password in ubuntu? This article provides a step-by-step guide on resetting password in ubuntu using the GRUB bootloader. The process involves booting into single-user mode or recovery mode and then using the command line to reset the... Read More

Login into the gateway server as a gateway user with bash shell

How to login into the gateway server as a gateway user with Bash shell? 1. Add a gateway user in ezeelogin 2. Change the shell of the gateway user to /bin/bash. root@gateway ~]# chsh -s /bin/bash username eg:  root@gateway ~]# chsh -s /bin/bash... Read More

Reset remote user password and update it in Ezeelogin

How to reset the user password on a remote server and update it in Ezeelogin? How to reset the user password of a remote server and update it? 1. Log in to the remote server and execute the following command. It will prompt you for a password, enter... Read More

DNS load balancing for HA using AWS Route 53

Implementing DNS load balancing in Ezeelogin cluster for high availability (HA) In the following example we will configure the hostname to point to the primary node ( using weights in the DNS... Read More

Find base DN and bind RDN from Windows server

How to find base DN and bind RDN from Windows Server 19? This will help the users to integrate Windows Active Directory server to Ezeelogin. 1. Login to Windows server -> Server Manager -> Tools -> Active Directory Administrative Center. 2.... Read More

Create load balancer in AWS for Ezeelogin Cluster

How to create load balancer in AWS for Ezeelogin Cluster setup for HA? 1. Login to the AWS account and search for load balancer with EC2 feature. 2. Create new load balancer. 3. Create Network Load Balancer from the three option. 4. In the basic... Read More

Correct PHP time in different OS

How to correct PHP time in Ubuntu, Debian, Centos, RHEL? This article will help the Linux user to correct the PHP time in different OS. Follow below steps to fix the PHP time. a) Create a PHP page to show up the current time in all OS. root@server ... Read More

Understanding Shadow File Format in Linux

Understanding the format of /etc/shadow file  The /etc/shadow file also named the shadow password file is an important part of Linux systems, as it is designed to store user password information securely. The password stored in the shadow file is... Read More

Disable apache default page and replace with an error page.

Can we remove the welcome.conf page and replace it with any error page? Overview: This article explains how to configure your web server (Apache or Nginx) to display a "403 Forbidden" error page instead of the welcome page when accessing your domain... Read More