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How to use the LDAP password as the security code on user login in SSH?

How to login as LDAP user into EZSH shell without accessing the Ezeelogin GUI?

LDAP users need to log in to Ezeelogin GUI to set up the security code. However, it can be done by enabling Security Code LDAP.  If Security Code LDAP is enabled LDAP users need not want to login to Ezeelogin GUI to set up their security code instead LDAP password can be used as the security code.

Refer below screenshot to enable Security Code LDAP.

Refer below articles to setup pam_ldap in the gateway servers.


Refer below article to configure Ezeelogin to authenticate using Windows_AD(Pam-Ldap) in ubuntu.

Refer below article to configure Ezeelogin to authenticate using Open_Ldap(Pam-Ldap) in ubuntu.


Refer below article to configure Ezeelogin to authenticate using Windows_AD(Pam-Ldap) in centos.

Refer below article to configure Ezeelogin to authenticate using OpenLdap(Pam-Ldap) in centos.


Refer below article to configure Ezeelogin to authenticate using Windows_AD / OpenLDAP (Pam-Ldap) in Debian.

Integrate Windows AD / OpenLDAP with SSSD.

1. Check out the below article of Windows AD integration with Ezeelogin (CentOS)

2. Check out the below article of Windows AD integration with Ezeelogin (RHEL8)

3. Check out the below article of OpenLDAP integration with Ezeelogin (CentOS)