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How to generate user reports as CSV files in Ezeelogin?

Exporting Remote Server Access Data of SSH Gateway users as CSV Files.

OverviewThis article explains how to generate CSV reports of Gateway users.

Note: Running the below scripts will prompt for the Ezeelogin administrator password. Ezeelogin administrator password (super admin user) is the password of the user created at the time of installation.

1. Run the following script to generate reports for all users. 

root@gateway:# php  /usr/local/ezlogin/eztool.php  -user_report -out filename.csv

2. Run the following script to generate the report for a single user. 

root@gateway:# php  /usr/local/ezlogin/eztool.php  -user_report username -out filename.csv

3. Run the following script to generate the report for multiple users. 

root@gateway:# php  /usr/local/ezlogin/eztool.php  -user_report username1,username2 -out filename.csv

For example, the following script generates the report for all users in Ezeelogin to the "  allreport.csv  " file.  

root@gateway:#  php /usr/local/ezlogin/eztool.php -user_report -out allreport.csv

# Ezeelogin Tool #

Checking environment... The memory limit is less than 4 GB. If the script crashes abruptly without any errors, try increasing the PHP memory limit.
done (1736)
Checking license... done (1991)

Enter the Ezeelogin administrator password: Admin!2345

The content of the "  allreport.csv  " file is shown below. 

root@gateway:# cat allreport.csv


admin,Administrator,,,Admins,Active,"2021-12-10 04:50:15",,"2021-12-01 06:26:09",Never,,,,linux-servers,tech
admin,Administrator,,,Admins,Active,"2021-12-10 04:50:15",,"2021-12-01 06:26:09",Never,sub-jake-linu16,,,linux-servers,root
admin,Administrator,,,Admins,Active,"2021-12-10 04:50:15",,"2021-12-01 06:26:09",Never,Ad-wind-RDP,,,RDP-machine,Administrator
monica,monica,,[email protected],Dummy,Active,"2021-12-01 07:29:04",,"2021-12-01 07:27:47",Never,,,,linux-servers,jake
monica,monica,,[email protected],Dummy,Active,"2021-12-01 07:29:04",,"2021-12-01 07:27:47",Never,sub-jake-linu16,,,linux-servers,jake
decker,decker,,[email protected],Dummy,Active,"2021-12-01 07:46:24",,"2021-12-01 07:31:44",Never,sub-jake-linu16,,,linux-servers,root

The following example shows how to view the list of servers that a user has.

root@gateway:#  php /usr/local/ezlogin/eztool.php -user_report ezadmin -out ezadmin_report.csv

root@gateway:# cat ezadmin_report.csv


ezadmin,Administrator,,,Admins,Active,"2022-12-08 06:44:01",,"2022-12-06 11:12:30",Never,centos.server,,,production.server,root
ezadmin,Administrator,,,Admins,Active,"2022-12-08 06:44:01",,"2022-12-06 11:12:30",Never,ubuntu.server,,,production.server,root

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