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How to upgrade OpenSSH in Centos ?

Upgrade OpenSSH in Centos. Overview: This article details how to upgrade OpenSSH in CentOS, including dependencies installation, source download, compilation, installation, verification, and post-upgrade checks for Ezeelogin functionality. 1.�... Read More

Configure ssh certificate based authentication

Configure Certificate-Based SSH User Authentication Overview: This article describes configuring certificate-based SSH user authentication with OpenSSH. It details creating a CA key, signing user SSH keys, and updating server settings to trust the... Read More

How to install OpenLDAP and phpldapadmin in CentOS?

How to install OpenLDAP and phpldapadmin in CentOS 7? 1. Install openldap packages. root@centos ~]# yum install openldap openldap-servers openldap-clients -y 2. Start and enable openldap service. root@centos ~]# systemctl start slapd &... Read More

How to install Google authenticator on Centos/Ubuntu?

Install Google Authenticator on Centos/Ubuntu Overview: This article describes how to install Google Authenticator on CentOS/Ubuntu and addresses issues related to the deprecation of the Google Image Charts API affecting QR code generation. 1. ... Read More

How to stream the ssh sessions in real time?

Stream SSH in real-time Overview: This article guides real-time SSH session streaming: Access SSH Log tab, enable streaming with interval settings, also disable 'Encrypt SSH Session Logs' in Settings->General  for live sessions only. ... Read More

Can I use Google 2FA, Yubikey , DUO simultaneously?

Can we use multiple 2fa? Overview: This guide describes how to configure Google 2FA, YubiKey, and DUO Security together in the web panel, enabling SSH jump host users to authenticate using their preferred method, and providing flexibility if one... Read More

Webportals unavailable for user

Web Portals Unavailable for the User. Overview: This article describes how to resolve issues of unavailable web portals by adjusting user privileges through specific settings in the administrative web panel of the system. 1. Go to the web panel and... Read More

How to grant Parallel Shell privilege for a user?

Grant Parallel Shell Privilege For a User Overview: This article explains how to grant Parallel Shell access to a user in Ezsh. Navigate to Access Control -> User Action -> Servers -> Allow Parallel Shell, and enable it. Afterward, ensure... Read More

How to view the Help Menu in the ezsh backend shell?

Accessing the Help Menu in the ezsh Backend Shell Simply ssh into the ssh jump host as an ssh gateway user. Once you are logged into the ezsh shell, press  F1 or  +  on the keyboard. Related Article How to change menu configuration settings   Read More

How does the license upgrade work?

Why is there a cost while downgrading? Why is that i am charged more than what i have purchased?The Ezeelogin license upgrade is done in the following way.1.When an upgrade is done, a new expiry period is set 30 days/1 month from the date of upgrade... Read More

How to install OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin on ubuntu?

Install OpenLDAP and LDAP Admin on Ubuntu Make sure to set your system hostname and add it to file  /etc/hosts.  Replace with your hostname or valid domain name. root@ubuntu:~# hostnamectl set-hostname �... Read More

Configure RADIUS Authentication in Ezeelogin SSH Jump host

How to integrate & Configure  RADIUS Authentication in Ezeelogin? Overview: This article provides step by step instructions to configure RADIUS authentication in Ezeelogin. Step 1:  Login to Ezeelogin GUI and navigate to Settings -> RADIUS... Read More

Add custom fields on server add form

How to add custom fields on the server add form in Ezeelogin? Synopsis: This article helps Ezeelogin gateway users on how to add custom server fields to the server add form. Step 1: Login to Ezeelogin GUI, click on the settings -> server... Read More

How to retreive db credentials?

How to view the encrypted Ezeelogin database password from Ezeelogin configuration file (/usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf)? Overview: This article helps admin users to retreive Ezeelogin database credentials, including the steps on decrypting the... Read More

Where is my data stored?

Ensuring the secure storage of sensitive server details is paramount, emphasizing control and privacy. Server details reside exclusively within MySQL databases on your servers. We maintain only license information and do not store any other data. Read More

Is it possible to disable security codes in ssh gateway?

Disable Security Codes in SSH Gateway. Overview: This article describes an FAQ where you can not disable the security code being prompted during login.  Note: The static security code is used only when 2FA is not enabled. It is not possible... Read More

How to use web portal proxy in ezeelogin ?

How to enable the web portal with the " use proxy " feature in Ezeelogin? Overview: This article covers using the Ezeelogin gateway server as a proxy for web portal access. It includes installation and configuration steps for Node.js, dependencies... Read More

Is it possible to view all ssh logs of a deleted user ?

Accessing Logs After User Deletion in Ezeelogin Overview: This article describes how administrators can access and retrieve logs in Ezeelogin even after a user has been deleted, using alternative search parameters in the web panel or by directly... Read More

How to disable 2FA from Ezeelogin GUI?

Disable 2FA from Ezeelogin GUI? 1. You can disable 2FA under Settings >> General>> Two Factor Authentication. Untick the checkboxes for 2FA which are  Enable Google Authenticator, Enable Duo, Enable Yubikey, Enable Access Keyword and... Read More

What are the security measures to ensure data security?

Following are the encryption algorithms used in ezeelogin to ensure that the data stored in ezeelogin cannot be compromised.    The User passwords and security codes stored in the ezeelogin database uses multiple rounds SHA512, SHA256,... Read More

What are the encryption technologies used to secure my data?

We have made use of the latest cipher and encryption technologies available in the industry today to ensure data security The User passwords and security codes stored in the ezeelogin database uses multiple rounds SHA512, SHA256, BLOWFISH or DES... Read More


WEBSOCKET SERVER DISCONNECTED: transport close Overview: This article describes the issue of encountering 'WEBSOCKET SERVER DISCONNECTED: transport close' by enabling auto-create for LDAP users, adjusting SSHD configuration, and managing... Read More

Install Ezeelogin on SELINUX enabled Environment

How to install Ezeelogin on SELinux enabled environment? Overview: This article helps Ezeelogin users to install Ezeelogin on an environment where SELinux is enabled.  Step 1: Whitelist all required services manually on SELinux. Check the allowed... Read More

Integrate Ezeelogin SSH Jump host with ELK for SIEM

Integrating Ezeelogin SSH gateway with ELK stack for SIEM Overview: This article outlines the process of integrating Ezeelogin SSH gateway with the ELK stack for SIEM. It includes installing and configuring ElasticSearch and Kibana on a monitoring... Read More

User prvilege escalation for particular time

How a normal user acquire root privilege for a particular period of time Overview: This article details how a normal user can temporarily gain root privilege with administrator permission. By adding the server to Ezeelogin GUI and enabling sub SSH,... Read More

How to suspend user through db?

To suspend all accounts  through db please do the following steps. 1. Find database name and database prefix from /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf in ezeelogin gateway server. 2. Login to mysql console 3. use db_name  4. Run this query. ... Read More

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.

Resolving "perl: warning: Setting locale failed" Warning in Ezeelogin Remote Access Overview: This article describes how to address the "perl: warning: Setting locale failed" message on remote servers accessed through Ezeelogin by clearing... Read More

LICENSE ERROR: Could not resolve host:

 LICENSE ERROR: Could not resolve host: ( after migrating a standalone license)  Overview: This article addresses the Could not resolve host: error encountered in the Ezeelogin GUI after migrating a... Read More

How to decrypt the encrypted SSH logs in Ezeelogin?

How to decrypt the encrypted SSH logs in Ezeelogin to a CSV file? Run the following command to decrypt the logs. Replace the log file name with your log file path. root@gateway:# /usr/local/ezlogin/eztool.php -show_log /var/log/ezlogin/full... Read More

Reset password in ubuntu

How to reset password in ubuntu? This article provides a step-by-step guide on resetting password in ubuntu using the GRUB bootloader. The process involves booting into single-user mode or recovery mode and then using the command line to reset the... Read More