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Can i install ezeelogin Jump server solution in a lan?

Setting Up Ezeelogin Jump Server for LAN

Overview: This article details that Ezeelogin can be installed on a LAN with internet connectivity, ensuring the jump server connects to the license server on port 443, and provides guidance for obtaining a standalone license for LANs without internet connectivity.

LAN with Internet Connectivity

Yes, you can install Ezeelogin Jump server software in a lan which has internet connectivity. Do ensure that the jump box is able to connect to the license server ( on port 443. The license server would check the public ip that the NAT uses and hence when you purchase the license make sure to buy it for the public ip that is NATed.

  If you are unsure on what your jump server IP is, simply logon to your ssh jump server and run the command

wget -qO-


LAN with NO Internet Connectivity

If you are planning to install Ezeelogin in a LAN with NO Internet Connectivity then request the 24/7 support team for Standalone license.

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