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How to grant Parallel Shell privilege for a user?

Grant Parallel Shell Privilege For a User

Overview: This article explains how to grant Parallel Shell access to a user in Ezsh. Navigate to Access Control -> User Action -> Servers -> Allow Parallel Shell, and enable it. Afterward, ensure the user logs out and back into Ezsh for the settings to take effect. It emphasizes logging in as a super admin or privileged user to grant these permissions.

Parallel shell is disabled by default for all users except for the admin user created during installation and must be explicitly granted.

Make sure to log in as the super admin user or the privileged user to grant permission to access the parallel shell. 

To grant Parallel Shell access to a user, Go to Access Control->User -Action->Servers->Allow Parallel Shell and enable it. After, enabling Parallel Shell, do re-login into the Ezsh shell so that the new settings are loaded. To grant Parallel Shell access to a user, go to Access Control -> User Action -> Servers. After enabling  Allow Parallel Shell, log out and log back into the Ezsh shell to load the new settings.

Every command will work in the parallel shell except the interactive commands like file editor (vi, nano), top, etc. 

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