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Ezeelogin Timeouts Explained

How to configure timeout values in Ezeelogin?

1. Ezeelogin GUI Timeout

Ezeelogin GUI timeout happens when there is no user activity for a particular time in Ezeelogin GUI. Users need to login again with the credentials to the Ezeelogin GUI when a GUI timeout happens. Ezeelogin GUI timeout is set to 3600 seconds (60 minutes) by default.

2. Shell Activity Timeout

Shell Activity Timeout happens when there is no user activity for a particular time in the Ezeelogin shell. Users need to login again with the credentials to the Ezeelogin shell when shell activity timeout happens. Shell Activity timeout will be set to 0 (zero means no timeout) by default.

3. SSH Timeout

SSH timeout is the SSH connection timeout from the Ezeelogin gateway server to the remote server. SSH timeout will be set to 10 seconds by default. Refer below screenshot to change the SSH timeout.