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Different logs of user

How to view the logs of users and how to disable access?

To view the logs, the user must have access, which can be accomplished through the Access Control tab within the Ezeelogin GUI. To grant specific log permissions, select the relevant log option under Access Control -> User Action -> Users

Also, enable the "Access Control" -> "User Action" -> "Users" -> "User list" option to view the Users tab in the Ezeelogin GUI.

To disable access, uncheck the corresponding log checkbox.

1. SSH log

The SSH log includes information such as who is connecting, when they connected, what they did during their session, and whether the connection attempt was successful or not.

First, set the access for a user to view the SSH log. 

Refer to the screenshot below for guidance on how to do this: Access Control -> User Action -> Users -> User List, View SSH Log. After saving the changes, make sure to refresh the Ezeelogin GUI for the user to reflect the updated permissions.

To see the SSH log: USERS > SSH Log 

Additionally, user should grant privileges to the remote servers for the same user to view the logs from that server. 

To grant: Access Control -> User Server

If a user has no access to a remote server, they will not be able to view the SSH logs of that server.

To get more details, refer view SSH logs of all users

2. Authentication Log

Log file that records authentication-related events and keeps track of activities related to user authentication, including login attempts, both successful and failed, and the authentication methods.

To set the access for a user to view the authentication log: Access Control -> User Action -> Users -> User List, View  Authentication  Log.

To get more details, refer Authentication Log in Ezeelogin

3. SCP Log

The SCP activity log shows the details of file transfers done using the parallel copy feature in ezsh. Users can search based on user, server, and date range.

To set the access for a user to view the SCP log: Access Control -> User Action -> Users -> User List, View  SCP Log.

How to copy files from the desktop to Gateway servers using WinSCP?

4. Web Proxy Log

It's a log or record of all the web activity that goes through a proxy server. The Web Proxy Log records all access to webportal via reverse proxy.

 To set the access for a user to view the web proxy log: Access Control -> User Action -> Users -> User List, View  Web Proxy Log.

To see the web proxy log: USERS > Web Proxy Log 

5. Web Activity

The web panel activity log lists what sections and functions each user accessed in the web panel and the dates & times. Users can search based on user, section, and date range.

To set the access for a user to view the web activity: Access Control -> User Action -> Users ->User List, Web Activity.

To see the Web activity log: USERS > Web Activity 

To get more details, refer How to find detailed Web Activity Log in Ezeelogin?

6. Shell Activity

Shell activity refers to the actions and operations performed within a command-line interface (CLI) or shell environment.

To set the access for a user to view the shell activity: Access Control -> User Action -> Users -> User List, shell Activity.

To see the Shell activity log: USERS > Shell Activity 

To get more details, refer How to get the Shell Activity of Users

7. Server Activity

The server activity logs contain details of remote server access by the Ezeelogin user.

To set the access for a user to view the server activity: Access Control -> User Action -> Users ->User List, Server Activity.

To see the Server activity log: USERS > Server Activity.

To get more details, refer How to get the remote server activity of users