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Error while logging with saml credentials

Error while trying to login using saml credentials.

1. If you are getting the following error.  Make sure that you have provided the correct signing certificate under Settings>saml>signing certificate  and ensure that characters are not missed while pasting the certificate.
Unable to extract public key
Request ID: ONELOGIN_7a4bb336c24aa25e8d8e022a65b08ec9730f2ccd
Not authenticated 
Saml response not received
Signature verification failed
Request ID: ONELOGIN_7a4bb336c24aa25e8d8e022a65b08ec9730f2ccd
2. This error occurs if you have not provided the correct Entity ID under Settings> saml> Entity ID . This issue can be resolved if you provide the correct entity ID.
Invalid issuer in the Assertion/Response (expected ' ', got ' ')
Request ID: ONELOGIN_eb76a22385d99ff9d91d0596127d308b511de7ca
Not authenticated
3. Make sure to correct the server time if you get the below error.


Could not validate timestamp: not yet valid. Check system clock.

Request ID: ONELOGIN_470f247589c4d84fc203d642d825d65e0e0bcabe

Not authenticated