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Functions in webactivity logs

Overview of web activity log functions in ezeelogin

Overview: This article details the different functions of the web activity log for the user tab in Ezeelogin, including actions such as adding, editing, and deleting users, managing user groups, and handling various logs like SSH, RDP, and SCP. It also covers account preferences, command management, access control, server configurations, general settings, web portals, and authentication processes.

The different functions of the webactivity log for the user tab are shown below:

1. Users
      Users ->Index (function) : When you click on the user tab, it will show the below log.

Users ->addWhen a new user is added to Ezeelogin. 

Users -> Edit : Edit user or any changes made by editing the user.

Users ->DeleteDeleting a user from Ezeelogin 

Users -> reset_acl : Reset access control( 8 refers to the user_id of the user )

Users -> generate_password and Users > reset_password Generate and reset the password of the user.

Users -> usergroupsUsergroup Tab

Users -> usergroup_add : Add user group

Users -> usergroup_update : Update Usergroup

Users -> usergroup_deleteDelete Usergroup

Users -> sshlog List SSH Logs

Users -> view_sshlogView SSH Logs

Users -> comment_sshlogAdd comment to SSH Logs

Users -> delete_sshlogDelete SSH Logs

Users -> sshloginfoSSH Log information

Users -> stream_sshlogEnable SSH Live streaming

Users -> rdplogList RDP Logs

Users -> view_rdplogView RDP Logs

 Users -> comment_rdplogAdd comments to RDP Logs

Users  -> delete_rdplogDelete RDP Logs

Users -> rdploginfo : RDP Log Information

Users -> scplogList SCP Logs

Users -> clear_scplogsClear SCP Logs

Users -> delete_scplog : Delete SCP Logs

Users -> webactivity : List Webactivity 

Users -> delete_webactivity_logDelete Webactivity Logs

Users -> gateway activityList Shell Activity

Users -> delete_gwactivity_logsDelete Shell Activity

Users -> clear_gwactivity_logsClear Shell Activity

Users -> serveractivity :  List Server Activity Logs

Users -> delete_serveractivity_logDelete Server Activity Logs

Users -> clear_serveractivity_logs : Clear Server Activity Logs

Users -> worksummary : List work summary of users via Ezeelogin Shell

Users > userstatusList the status of Users in Ezeelogin Shell

Users > ldap :  List the LDAP Users

Users > import : Import LDAP User

2. Accounts
    Account > index : Account Preference

Account > themeTheme change

Account -> key_bindingsEzeelogin shell keybindings list

Account -> restore_default_keys : Restore default shell key bindings

Account > password :  When accessing password tab

Account > profileEditing or accessing Account profile

Account > googleauth : when enabling or listing Google Authenticator 

Account > duoauthWhen enabling or clicking Duo Authenticator

Account > sshlog : Listing SSH log

Account > view_sshlog : Displays when viewing SSH log content

Account > sshloginfo : Displays on clicking the"  "button on the SSH log. 

Account > scplogListing the SCP log 

Account > rdplogListing RDP Log

Account > view_rdplogDisplays when viewing RDP log content from Account tab

Account > rdploginfoDisplays on clicking the " + " button to elaborate the RDP Info.


3. Command Guard
     Commands > index : Commands list

Commands > addCommand add

Commands > updateCommand update 

Commands > command_verify : Verify commands

Commands -> deleteCommand delete

Commands > commandgroup_addCommand group add

Commands > commandgroup_update : Command group update 

Commands > commandgroup_delete : Command group delete

Commands > commandgroup_commands : Command group list 


4. Access Control 
   Acls -> indexAccess control list 

Acls -> user_server : when you Grant User-server privilege

Acls -> usergroup_servergroup : when you Grant Usergroup-server group privilege

Acls -> user_servergroup : when you Grant User-server group privilege

Acls -> usergroup_portalgroup : when you Grant User group -portal group privilege

Acls -> user_portalgroup : when you Grant User - portal group privilege

Acls -> user_portal : when you Grant User- portal privilege

Acls -> usergroup_feature :  when you Grant Usergroup- Action Privilge

Acls -> user_feature : when you  Grant User-action privilege

Acls -> cancel_acl : Cancel Access control

Acls -> user_sshkey : when you Grant User- ssh keys privilege



5. Server

  Servers -> index :  When you click on the Server list

Servers -> add : when you Add server

Servers -> edit : when you edit server

Servers -> delete : Delete server

Servers -> change : Change server group

Servers -> change : when you Enable / Disable ssh connectivity

Servers -> change : Change ssh port

Servers -> change :  Change ssh fingerprint

Servers -> mass_reset and Servers -> resetReset password on the server

Servers -> mass_reset and Servers -> reset :  Setup ssh key on the server

Servers -> servergroupsView server group

Servers -> servergroup_add : Add server group

Servers -> groupmembers : View server group members