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Streamline the non-interactive installation

How can you automate/non-interactive Ezeelogin installation?

This would refer to the process of installing Ezeelogin without requiring manual intervention or input from a user. 

  •      To find the full parameters and details use the below command:

root@gateway:~# sh ezlogin_7.37.0_php81.bin -- -help
Creating directory ezlogin_7.37.0_php81
Verifying archive integrity... 100% MD5 checksums are OK. All good.
Uncompressing Ezeelogin 7.37.0 100%

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# Ezeelogin Installer #


-help : Show this help
-version : Show the version
-secondary [<ip>]: Install as secondary. Specify the IP address of primary with -othernode option. Optionally specify current node IP address if both nodes are in a LAN
-othernode <ip> : Specify the IP address or hostname of the other node in the cluster. Only applicable if installing as secondary.
-oruser <username> : Specify the privileged username (less than 21 chars) on the other node. Only applicable if installing as secondary.
-orport <port> : Specify the SSH port on the other node. Only applicable if installing as secondary.
-www <path> : Path from where web server will serve the web panel files
-sys <path> : Path where web panel will search for its system files
-uri <path> : Request URI path to access the web panel
-dbhost <host> : Specify the IP address or hostname of MySQL server
-dbsrchost <host> : Specify the IP address or hostname from which the MySQL connection would be established
-dbport <port> : Specify the port MySQL server is listening on
-dbsuser <username> : Specify database super (root) user name
-dbspass <password> : Specify database super (root) user password
-adminuser <username> : Specify ezlogin admin user name
-adminpass <password> : Specify ezlogin admin user password
-adminsec <security code> : Specify ezlogin admin user security code
-force_https <yes/no> : Whether to force HTTPS for web panel
-sshkey : Specify the path of SSH private key to be used. Default: generates new key. NOTE: Only on install
-sshkeypass : Specify the password (if any) for SSH private key. Default: no password
-auto : Use defaults or auto-generated values for options
-usebin <absolute_path> : Use the provided binary package instead of downloading
-install_node_modules : Install the NodeJS modules required for Web SSH, Web RDP and Web Proxy.
-update : Update
-force : Do not ask for update confirmation
-as_primary : Install or update a secondary node as primary. For example, when a primary node has been lost.
-lic_timeout <seconds> : Timeout for connecting to Ezeelogin license server. Default: 30
-proxy_host <host> : Proxy host for connecting to Ezeelogin license server
-proxy_port <port> : Proxy port for connecting to Ezeelogin license server
-proxy_user <username> : Proxy user for connecting to Ezeelogin license server
-proxy_pass <password> : Proxy pass for connecting to Ezeelogin license server
-mysql_encrypt <yes/no> : Whether to enable secure mysql connection
-mysql_ssl_key <absolute_path> : Path to the private key file for secure MySQL connection
-mysql_ssl_cert <absolute_path> : Path to the public key certificate file for secure MySQL connection
-mysql_ssl_ca <absolute_path> : Path to the certificate authority file for secure MySQL connection
-mysql_ssl_capath <absolute_path> : Path to a directory containing trusted CA certificates for secure MySQL connection
-mysql_ssl_cipher <ciphers> : List of *allowed* ciphers to be used for the encryption, separated by colons (':')
-mysql_ssl_verify <yes/no> : Whether to verify the server certificate for secure MySQL connection
-ACCEPT_SETTINGS : Do not prompt to accept the settings
-I_ACCEPT_EULA : Accept the End User License Agreement

  •    To install the Ezeelogin in a non-interactive way with a single script, automate the process using the following command:

   (Note: Provide the details from your end selected in bold)

root@gateway:~# sh ezlogin_7.XX.XX_php81.bin -- -skipgeolite -auto -force -ACCEPT_SETTINGS -I_ACCEPT_EULA -adminuser "ezadmin" -adminpass "Iodnmdlhj@89" -adminsec "sbjkRuon@123" -dbsuser "root" -dbspass "Rudjflmclkxp"

  •    To update the Ezeelogin with a single script, automate the process using the following command:

root@gateway:~# sh ezlogin_7.XX.XX_php81.bin -- -skipgeolite -auto -force -ACCEPT_SETTINGS -I_ACCEPT_EULA -adminuser "ezadmin" -adminpass "Iodnmdlhj@89" -adminsec "sbjkRuon@123" -dbsuser "root" -dbspass "Rudjflmclkxp" -update

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