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Jump server user password expired

The Gateway SSH User password expired 

Overview: This article describes how to handle the "Gateway SSH User password expired" issue by resetting the password or disabling password expiration in the database if login to the GUI fails.

If you encounter the "Gateway SSH User password expired" message when logging into the GUI, then it's time for you to reset the password for the SSH gateway user and go ahead with the login. This is a security feature as it is recommended to change the password after a preset duration of time.

However, if you are unable to reset the password or are unable to log in to the GUI, continue reading on how to disable this from the database.

password expired

Refer to the following article to reset the user password: Reset gateway user password.

  • Where was the user password set?

The duration ( in days) after which a password should expire is set under "User password Lifetime" under Settings > General.

Method 1) If for some reason, the user is unable to log in, then you can disable the  "User Password Lifetime" from the database as follows.

The value of 45, means that the user's password would expire after 45 days and the user would be forced to change the password.

MariaDB [ezlogin_avmzfj]> select * from nfo_settings where name="pwexp_days";

| id | name       | value | time                |
| 87 | pwexp_days | 45    | 2022-08-20 00:00:54 |

Method 2) Modify the gateway user timestamp in the database so that the user password does not expire and is still valid.

  • Get the current timestamp from DB and update the gateway user's time stamp field so that the user password expiry time is reset.

[root@jump-server ~]# date +%s


MariaDB [ezlogin_avmzfj]> update nfo_users setlpwc_ts = 1608282636 where id=1;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)

Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

Emergency CLI Method:

Run the below command to disable user password expiry from the backend:

[root@jump-server ~]# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ez_queryrunner.php "update prefix_settings set value=0 where name='pwexp_days'"

Related Article:

How to set user password lifetime for expiry.

Force a password change for an Ezeelogin User.