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Error: User add failed. Cannot add user on this node. user already exists

Resolving "error: user add failed. Cannot add user on this node" in ezeelogin

Overview: This article addresses the "Error: User add failed. Cannot add user on this node" issue in Ezeelogin. To resolve this, verify if the user or user group already exists on the Ezeelogin installed server using the id, finger, or /etc/group file. If they exist, delete the user or user group on the backend and retry adding the user through the Ezeelogin web interface.

Step 1. Check if the user exists on the Ezeelogin installed server by finger or id command. 

root@gateway ~]# id {username}

root@gateway ~]# finger {username}

 Delete the user if they exist on the backend and try again creating a user from Ezeelogin web interface.

Step 2. Check if the usergroup  exist on /etc/group on the Ezeelogin installed server

root@gateway ~]# cat /etc/group | grep {username}

   Delete the usergroup if they exist on backend and try again creating user from Ezeelogin web interface.

root@gateway ~]# groupdel group_name