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Google Recaptcha shutdown issue

How to solve Google Recaptcha shutdown issue?

Overview: This article will help the Ezeelogin admin user to fix the Google Recaptcha shutdown issue while logging into the Ezeelogin GUI.

recaptcha shutdown

Step 1: To resolve the recaptcha shutdown issue, upgrade Ezeelogin to the latest version. Download the latest Ezeelogin package corresponding to the PHP version from the customer portal

Refer to the article to disable Google reCAPTCHA

Emergency CLI Method:

Run the following command to disable Login captcha

php /usr/local/ezlogin/ez_queryrunner.php "update prefix_settings SET value='N' WHERE name='login_captcha';"


Related Articles:

reCaptcha: Could not open socket Connection timed out

reCaptcha images not loading

Disabling reCAPTCHA

Enable Google reCaptcha

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