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Google Recaptcha shutdown issue

How to solve Google Recaptcha shutdown issue?

Overview: This article will help the Ezeelogin admin user to fix the Google Recaptcha shutdown issue while logging into the Ezeelogin GUI.

recaptcha shutdown

Step 1: To resolve the recaptcha shutdown issue, upgrade Ezeelogin to the latest version. Download the latest Ezeelogin package corresponding to the PHP version from the customer portal

Note: Refer to the article to  disable Google reCAPTCHA

Emergency CLI Method:

Run the following command to disable Login captcha

root@gateway:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ez_queryrunner.php "update prefix_settings SET value='N' WHERE name='login_captcha';"


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reCaptcha: Could not open socket Connection timed out

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Disabling reCAPTCHA

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