reCaptcha images not loading
The reCaptcha images are not loading while logging into the gateway server
Overview: This article will help the gateway admin user fix the issue with loading the reCAPTCHA image while logging into the Ezeelogin GUI.
Step 1: Check the current iptables rules.
root@gateway:~# iptables -L
Step 2: Check the status of the firewall service and also verify the active zones in the firewall.
root@gateway:~# systemctl status firewalls
root@gateway:~# firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
Step 3: Check the status of UFW.
root@gateway:~# ufw status
root@gateway:~# cat /etc/ufw/user.rules
root@gateway:~# cat /etc/ufw/user6.rules
Make sure the gateway server firewall does not block or