ERROR db portals: Column login_url cannot be null
How to fix ERROR db portals: Column 'login_url' cannot be null when trying to upgrade Ezeelogin to the latest version?
1. Take a full backup of current Ezeelogin installation. Run below command to take the backup
root@gateway ~]# /usr/local/sbin/backup_ezlogin.php
Refer detailed article to take the backup of the current Ezeelogin installation.
2. Run the below command to clear the login_url field.
root@gateway ~]# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ez_queryrunner.php "update prefix_portals set login_url = ' ' where login_url IS NULL"
3. After running the above command, proceed with Ezeelogin upgrade. Replace the Ezeelogin package name, database root username, and password. tp upgrade Ezeelogin with a single command.
root@gateway ~]# sh ezlogin_7.xx.x_phpxx.bin -- -dbsuser <enter (root)db username> -dbspass <enter_(root)db_password> -skipgeolite -auto -force -ACCEPT_SETTINGS -I_ACCEPT_EULA -skipbackup -update
Refer detailed article to upgrade Ezeelogin to the latest version.
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