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Token not found in Cpanel/WHM

Getting Token not found error or  Session Not found when accessing Cpanel/WHM

Overview: This article describes the troubleshooting steps for resolving cPanel/WHM login issues by ensuring the correct date & time, disabling SELinux, resetting the root password, testing telnet to port 2087, verifying DNS resolution, ensuring empty control panel credentials and flushing browser cache.

Step 1: Ensure Correct Date & Time (Check the Date & Time on the Target cPanel/WHM Server.)

  • It's crucial to have the correct date and time on the SSH gateway server and remote servers to avoid authentication issues.
  • Use the following command to synchronize the server's date and time with an NTP server on the remote cpanel server.

:~# ntpdate

Step 2: Ensure SELinux is Disabled (Check SELinux Status on Both Servers)

  • SELinux can sometimes cause issues with cPanel/WHM access. It is advisable to disable it on both the gateway server and the remote servers.
  • To check the status of SELinux, use the following command.

:~# sestatus

SELinux status:                 disabled

2 a. Disable SELinux if Necessary

  • If SELinux is not disabled, you can disable it by editing the configuration file.
  • Open the SELinux configuration file using a text editor.

:~# nano /etc/selinux/config

  • Set SELINUX=disabled in the configuration file:


  • Save the file and reboot the server to apply the changes and check by running the "sestatus" command again. It should return as 'disabled'.

Step 3: Reset the root password.

  • You need to change the target remote server's root password
  • After resetting the password, ensure that you can manually log in to the target server directly (outside of the SSH gateway) using the new root password.
  • To view the current server password, press the 'tab' key.

Step 4: Telnet to the Target Machine. (Test Telnet Connection to Port 2087.)

  • Ensure that you can establish a telnet connection to the target machine on port 2087 from the SSH gateway server. This verifies that the cPanel/WHM service is accessible.
  • Use the following command.

:~# telnet <IP or hostname of cpanel > 2087

Step 5: Ensure DNS resolution. (Check DNS Resolution for the Remote Server.)

  • Ensure that the hostname of the remote server resolves correctly in DNS. If it does not, you may need to adjust the settings.
  • If DNS resolution is not functioning properly, edit the server settings > under the advanced options, and set the 'Cp Use DNS' field to 'NO'.

Step 6: Ensure Control Panel Username and Password Are Empty

  • In the advanced section for cPanel/WHM, make sure that the control panel username and password fields are empty.
  • This ensures that there are no conflicting credentials preventing access.

Step 7: Flush Your Browser Cache

  • Clear your browser cache to ensure you are not using outdated information or cached credentials.
  • After clearing the cache, re-login to the Ezeelogin web interface and try accessing cPanel/WHM again.

Feel free to take the help of support if you encounter any issues or need further assistance!

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