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Backup/restore crashes abruptly without any error

Ezeelogin restore/backup crashes abruptly without any error.

Overview: This article describes finding and interpreting backup and restore logs under /var/log/, and recommends increasing the PHP memory limit in /etc/php.ini if logs indicate memory errors.

1. Find the restore backup logs under the /var/log/ directory.  

  • If the restore or backup logs contain similar content as given below increase the PHP limit in the php.ini file of the gateway server.

root@jumpserver:~# tail /var/log/ezlogin_restore.log

Environment: Linux (x86_64) - PHP 5.3.3 (memory limit: 128M MB)

ezeelogin v6.1.0 ...

Environment: Linux (x86_64) - PHP 5.3.3 (memory limit: 128M MB)

 ezeelogin v6.1.0 ...



root@jumpserver:~# tail /var/log/ezlogin_backup.log


Environment: Linux (x86_64) - PHP 5.3.3 (memory limit: 128M MB)

ezeelogin v6.1.0 ...

Environment: Linux (x86_64) - PHP 5.3.3 (memory limit: 128M MB)

ezeelogin v6.1.0 ...

2. Increase the PHP limit.

  • To fix the above error, you need to Increase the memory limit in the /etc/php.ini file ( Increase the memory limit up to 1Gb or more.)

root@jumpserver:~# nano /etc/php.ini

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