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Severity: error --> Exception: Class ’DOMDocument’ not found /var/www/ezlogin/application/third_party/saml/src/Saml2/IdPMetadata Parser.php 113

Fixing "class 'DOMDocument' not found" error in ezeelogin

Overview: This article explains how to resolve the "DOM extension" error by installing the required PHP DOM extension. On Debian/Ubuntu, use apt-get install php-dom/php-xml. On CentOS/Fedora/Red Hat, use yum install php-xml. If there are conflicts between PHP versions, try php53-xml. After installation, restart the web server: service apache2 restart on Ubuntu and service httpd restart on CentOS.

Step1.  If you are get the error, you need to install the  DOM  extension. You can do so on Debian / Ubuntu using:

root@ubuntu:~  apt-get install php-dom/php-xml

And on Centos / Fedora / Red Hat:

root@localhost:~  yum install php-xml

Step 2. If you get conflicts between PHP 5 and PHP 5.3 packages, you could try to see if the php53-xml package exists instead.

On CentOS/Fedora/Red Hat

yum list installed | grep php53-xml

On Debian/Ubuntu

dpkg -l | grep php53-xml

Restart the web server after installing Dom extensions,
In Ubuntu 

root@ubuntu:~   service apache2 restart 

In Centos

root@localhost:~ service httpd restart

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